Auckland Conversations – Using content across multiple platforms, all created from a live stream

Written content isn’t an obvious one to think about when you’re working on video/audio projects, but it’s an easy way to get another format for more platforms. 

Event transcripts from live streams can be used as a blog and key points from the transcript can be used for social media posts. Check out Auckland Conversations to see how they post and share their various types of content after a live stream.

Auckland Conversations is an Auckland Council education body, informing council staff and ratepayers on the latest moves and trends in city living from roading to cycleways to housing density and much more as Auckland moves towards its goal of being the world’s most livable city. 

Every 4-6 weeks they will arrange a guest or guests to present to a live forum with Q and A for 90 minutes in Auckland with Tandem managing the live stream. To the stream we add powerpoint, viewer questions and an MC managing questions from the audience. 

From that single live stream Auckland Conversation create 6 forms of content

  • The Live stream with Q and A
  • Recorded and edited videos of each presenter
  • A podcast of all audio
  • Transcripts of each presenter and MC
  • Powerpoint slides to view as a stand alone 
  • Captions for each video

We also recommend having captions on videos wherever possible to make your content more accessible. If you’re uploading your videos to an online video hosting site like YouTube or Vimeo, we can supply a .SRT caption file which can be uploaded to the hosting site with the video. This allows the viewer to turn captions on or off when watching the video, and select different languages if available. We can also hardcode captions, meaning they’ll be edited onto the videos and can’t be turned on or off. This might be suitable for an information centre playing a video on loop with no sound.

If you have questions about how to maximise your content or how to use written content, get in touch!